Tuesday, May 5, 2009


We are preparing for our intimate family reunion in DC! Stephanie and Hopkins are there. We'll meet Alan. Kallie and Sheena will fly for the first time. A mean cold/flu has been trying to get Kallie and me, but we'll rest up and be ready! I hope I can walk mega miles!

Spring is here with lots of rain to make things green. I so love not moving the hoses around. Starting this month we will pay for extra water. Doesn't sound good.

I continue with the eye laser saga. Last August I had my right eye lasered for close vision and my left eye for distance. Both were a mess and wrong. I made it through 3 months with different reading glasses and the girls' old glasses until the doc could surgery them again. After the November surgery I could finally read with my right eye, even quite small print. But my distance eye still couldn't see well far. It's now been almost 7 months and the far eye is still pathetic. I can't read road signs till I'm up to them. Luckily, driving glasses help the right eye see fine. Hopefully in the next month or two I'll have my left eye done again. And to think I paid for mapping of the left eye that should have made it perfect! My home eye doc said I'm the rare wrong one. Am I stupid to go again or wise?

EVEN SO, every night when I get into bed and don't have to take off glasses and I can still read the clock I'm so grateful for what great vision I do have now. I can get along quite well about 98% of the time without any extra glasses. I just got some real driving glasses now and will see well on the trip.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

We are excited to have you come! Hopefully your back gets better fast - remember to take it easy this week!

Even though this eye stuff is annoying, just go back and get it done until it's right. Then it will (hopefully) last the rest of your life and will be worth it. It's quite the blessing - just think, the pioneers never had any options like fixing your eyes!